Creative meeting at Rusjan workshop.

The old bags did the job! Explored endless miles in harsh weather conditions over various terrains: roads, pistes, trials all over the world. It’s time for a new set to explore new routes of Morocco-BikeAdventure, Iberica Traversa and the Alaska-Divide race. Andy together with Lucy Rusjan creating a set of top quality customed, lightweight and waterproof bags for his bike.

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Donncha Cuttriss is coming for Iberica Traversa 2021!

Donncha Cuttriss is coming for Iberica Traversa 2021! He is an experienced finisher of many international ultracycling races. Donncha is an old school racer! Despite competitive spirit he somehow finds and makes time on route to enjoy local culture and habits. Like during #moroccobikeadventure sipping tea for hours with a Berber shepherd in the High Atlas mountains. Some say he is pretty fast on the bike! See you soon, Donncha!

Photo: Morocco-BikeAdventure 2019.

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Aleksander talkes about Iberica-Traversa

For all of you who understand beautiful polish language, Aleksander is talking about this years Iberica-Traversa. It starts at min. 23:10…


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5th rider at the start of this years Iberica-Traversa: Irena Sosinska

Irena decided 3 days before the start, to go for the Iberica-Traversa. Irena is no stranger in bikpaking, she finished the Transam Bike Race 2016 as 4th woman and traveled with her bike all over the world. So she cycled through Siberia to China, Tibet and the Mount Everest base camp. After Irena climbed Kilimandscharo with here bike, the last several months she had not much possibilities to ride here bike.

2 weeks before the start, she rode first time a mountain bike and for the Iberica-Traversa, she borrowed all the gear, bike included. Luck of training and not perfectly fittet bike, Irena scratched after 400km and 7000 vertical meter in the morning of 3th day. She liked the route a lot and was surprised about the gorgeous scenery showing up behind every corner.

“The route is beautifully/perfectly crafted. It’s a dream for every bikepacker!”

We look forward to see Irena soon again at the start line in Sain-Jean-de-Luz and wondering what othe adventures she will showup next year.

Christian Bach’s Iberica-Traversa documentary

Christian, 2020 Iberica-Traversa finisher, documented his ride trough Spain in a video. Thank you Christian! Enjoy…

Voici le montage video de ma récente traversée de l’Espagne à VTT. Avec des photos et des vidéos de sites magnifiques dans plusieurs parc nationaux.Avec l’ambiance de l’itinérance à vélo. J’espère que vous aimerez. Biz.


The movie of my Iberica Traversa 2020, onboard with me. It is a mix of photos and videos. There are many Spanish natural parks and a bit of the bikepacking lifestyle. Hope you enjoy it. xxxx